We have all seen it on the news and in tabloids but many people find it hard to believe that President Obama smokes. Does Obama smoke? Yes he does. He quit smoking in the spring of 2007 before seeking the presidential nomination. But he has himself admitted to "falling off the wagon" several times since becoming President.
This can be discouraging to you if you are trying to quit smoking. Whether or not you believe in his politics we probably all can agree that to have succeeded in becoming President of the United States it must mean that Barrack Obama is a strong willed person. If someone who has risen so far in life, to hold the top political position in the world, cannot quit smoking, how can you stop smoking?
Actually President Obama faces the same challenges that anyone trying to break the smoking habit faces. Breaking the habit of smoking requires both beating the physical tolerance you have built up to nicotine and conquering the mental cravings to smoke.
Click here to find out why does Obama smoke.
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