Gain Freedom from Smoking

If you are serious about quitting smoking then you need to check out the Quit Smoking Today program. It is the most successful quit smoking method with a 97.2% success rate. It is your best chance to kick the smoking habit for good. >>Click Here to Quit Smoking Today!<<

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Smoking Cessation Techniques - The Only Technique You Need to Know to Quit Smoking

Are you looking for the best smoking cessation techniques? There are a lot of programs and methods aimed at helping people to quit smoking. From the patch, to hypnotism, to medications there are several ways that you can pick to help you kick the smoking habit. But there is one technique that stands out above all the rest.

This technique is called NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming. You may not have heard of it as it really is the best kept quit smoking secret. It is the easiest and most successful way to quit smoking technique you could hope to find. Let's take a closer look at NLP and how it can help you easily stop smoking.

Click here to read more about smoking cessation techniques.

Smoking Cessation Benefits - Enjoy the Benefits of Quitting Smoking With This Technique

Are you looking to enjoy smoking cessation benefits? Your life will improve in so many ways once you quit smoking. Some people try and try but never manage to stop smoking. But there is a technique that can almost guarantee your success. I will tell you more about that in a little bit but let's first look at the benefits you will gain from quitting smoking.

First of all you will experience wonderful health benefits. Smoking drastically increases your chances of lung disease, cancer, and heart attacks, amongst other things. Quitting smoking can help to stop the deterioration that smoking causes to your body. Over time your health may return to that of a non-smoker.

Click here to read more about smoking cessation benefits.

Tobacco Smoking Cessation - Quit Smoking Tobacco Easily With This Technique

Are you wondering what the best method for tobacco smoking cessation is? It is excellent that you are looking for ways to quit smoking and it is one of the smartest decisions you will make in your lifetime. Soon you will be enjoying a healthier lifestyle, have more money in your pocket, and look and feel younger. There is a smoking cessation technique that can make quitting easy.

Click here to read more about this tobacco smoking cessation technique.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Smoking and Impotence - Smoking May Lead to Male Sexual Impotence

Smoking and impotence do go together. Many men experience sexual problems due to their smoking habit. Smoking is extremely detrimental to male sexual functions. The effects are varied and these include impotence, low sperm count, and dysfunctional erections. The risk is higher in younger men as they do not normally have any other medical problems like heart ailments, cholesterol, or blood pressure.
Click here to read more about smoking and impotence.

The 4 Main Stages of Smoking - It Can Be Easy to Go From Curiosity to Addiction

Every smoker has their own story of how they progressed through their habit. Though everyone has their own unique progression there are some main stages of smoking that most smokers pass through.

Stage 1-Experimentation

This is how every smoker starts. Either through curiosity or peer pressure, and typically at a young age new smokers start through experimentation. They may want to fit in with a group of new friends, look cool, be rebellious or just see what the big deal is about smoking. Many new smokers never make is past this phase. Either smoking makes them feel ill or they come to their senses and realize that it is not for them. A lot of people do make it through this stage and smoking becomes a bigger part of their life.

Click here to read more about the 4 Main Stages of Smoking.

How to Quit Smoking - Nicotine Addiction Can Be Overcome With NLP

Are you wondering how to quit smoking? Nicotine addiction can be powerful but do not think for a moment that you are unable to stop smoking. Thousands of people stop smoking every day, you can do it too. All you need to do is find the right technique.

There are a number of different ways to quit smoking. You can choose nicotine replacement therapy like the patch or stop smoking medications like Zyban or Chantix. But these methods only focus on half of the problem; the physical addiction to nicotine.

You actually are addicted to smoking cigarettes in two different ways; the physical addiction to nicotine and the psychological cravings to smoke. Most stop smoking methods focus on the physical addiction to nicotine only helping you with half the problem. The truth is that after a week of quitting smoking your physical addiction to nicotine has passed.

Click here to read more about how Quit Smoking Nicotine addiction can be beat with NLP.

How Can Smoking Damage Skin Making You Look Old Before Your Time?

You are probably already aware of how your heart and lungs are subject to smoking damage. Skin is also severely damaged when you smoke. Smokers tend to age quicker than non-smokers. It can make you look old before your time but how does this happen? Why do people who smoke look older than non-smokers?

Smoking speeds up the aging process of your skin leading to premature wrinkling. The process does not take very long to happen. Within less than ten years of being a smoker your skin begins to wrinkle. The more cigarettes you smoke the more wrinkling you will experience.

Click here to read more about how can smoking damage skin.

Quitting Smoking? Cravings to Smoke Can Be Beat With This Technique

Are you thinking about quitting smoking? Cravings can be the biggest obstacle to kicking the smoking habit once and for all. Many smokers can easily stop smoking but once a serious craving to smoke kicks in their will collapses like a house of cards and they light up another cigarette. But there is a technique you can learn that will eliminate the cravings to smoke.

Trust me, I know. Several years ago I was struggling to quit smoking. I must have tried a hundred times to quit smoking. I actually did pretty good a couple times, quitting for a couple months but I always went back to my smoking habit. I was convinced that I just did not have the "will power" to quit smoking.

What I know now that I did not know then was that I was experiencing psychological almost subconscious cravings to smoke. The addiction to smoking is actually both a physical addiction to nicotine and psychological cravings to smoke.

Click here to read more about quitting smoking cravings and how to beat them with NLP.

Reverse Smoking Damage - Is it Possible to Undo Damage Caused by Smoking?

Are you wondering if it is possible to reverse smoking damage? Smoking damages the body in so many different ways. From the heart and lungs to skin and teeth smoking wreaks havoc on the body. There is no doubt that quitting smoking has numerous benefits and is the only way to stop the damage caused by smoking.

As soon as you quit smoking your risk for heart disease and stroke begin to drop. Within two years of quitting smoking, your risk for heart attack drops to near the levels of someone who never smoked.

The risk for cancer will also drop after you quit smoking. The risk of lung cancer, along with cancers of the mouth, throat, pancreas, and bladder are half of that of a smoker within five years.

Click here to read more about how to Reverse Smoking Damage.

Pregnant When Smoking? Quit Smoking When Pregnant to Prevent Harming Your Unborn Child

Are you smoking while you are pregnant? When smoking during pregnancy you can harm the health of both yourself and the baby you are carrying. It is important to quit smoking not only for your health but more importantly for the health of your unborn child. Cigarette smoke contains over 2,000 chemicals that can potentially harm the fetus. Nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes cause the most damage.

How can smoking harm my unborn child?

Smoking greatly increases the risk of delivering a low-birth weight baby. In a study performed in 2004, 11.9 percent of babies born to smoking mothers suffered from low birth weight. It has been known for a long time that smoking slows fetal growth. The more that a pregnant mother smoker the greater the chance her child will suffer from low-birth weight. Smoking can also increase the chance of preterm delivery.

Keep in mind that if you continue to smoke through your pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby that smoking is also dangerous to your newborn child. Babies exposed to cigarette smoke face increased risks of asthma, upper respiratory infections, and even SIDS (or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

Click here to read more about being pregnant when smoking and how it can harm your unborn child.

To Stop Cigarettes From Controlling Your Life, Try This New Technique

Do you want to stop cigarettes from running and ruining your life? Of course you do. I am sure you are aware of the health benefits of quitting smoking. But sometimes this knowledge is not enough. You need a technique to help you quit smoking once and for all.

Cigarette smoking is devastating to every aspect of your health. Most smokers already know this but they still continue to smoke. Many smokers struggle to quit trying time and again to kick their smoking habit only to light up again after a month, a week, even a day. They want so badly to stop smoking but they just cannot seem to do it. Why is this?

Smoking addiction is a two headed monster: physical addiction and psychological cravings. Your body builds an addiction to nicotine as you continue to smoke. You also develop a mental addiction to the actual act of smoking and everything it means to you.

Click here to rad more about how to stop cigarettes from controlling your life.

Smoking Cigarette Effects - What Effects Does Smoking Cigarettes Have and How You Can Avoid Them

Are you wondering what the effects of smoking cigarettes are to your body? There are over 4,000 chemical compounds in a smoking cigarette. Effects that ruin your health are bound to happen from smoking something that is has so many chemicals, 10 % of which are toxic. It is only natural to wonder how something so poisonous can affect your health.

I was in the same boat a few years ago. I was a heavy smoker, over a pack a day. I knew smoking was ruining my health. I wanted so badly to stop but I just did not seem to have the "will power" to do it.

One day I got the idea to really research how smoking was damaging my body. I knew that smoking was "bad for me" but I felt if I educated myself on how smoking was harming me maybe this would help give me the motivation I needed to stop smoking. In My research was quite eye opening. Smoking negatively affects so many parts of the body.

Click here to read more about Smoking Cigarettes Effects on the body.

Time to Quit Smoking Cigarettes? Smoking Effects Can Be Stopped With NLP

Have you decided that it is time to quit smoking cigarettes? Smoking effects are many and can cause damage in every area of your life. The only way to stop the damage is to stop smoking. Quitting smoking can be easy if you find program to help you kick the habit.

If you try quitting cold turkey, studies show you only have a 5% chance to successfully stop smoking so you definitely want to find a program to help increase your chances. You have a lot of options from nicotine replacement therapy such as the patch, to medications like Zyban and Chantix, to alternative methods like hypnotherapy. All can increase your chances of quitting smoking but none of them have a success rate above 50%.

There is another alternative for you to quit smoking. It may not be as well known as some of the other methods listed above, but it actually is much more successful at helping people to quit smoking.

It is called NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming. Do not let the fancy name scare you. NLP is a therapy technique that has been used for many years to help smokers break the smoking habit with great success. In a recent test 5,000 smokers participated in an NLP session. Six months after the original session 97.2% of the participants were still smoke free.

Click here to read more about how to eliminate cigarettes smoking effects with NLP.

The Addiction of Smoking - It Can Be Broken With This New Method

Do you want to break the addiction of smoking? Smoking can be a hard habit to break but it does not have to be that way. If you have tried to quit several times or if this is your first time trying to stop smoking it is possible to easily stop smoking if you choose the right technique to assist you.

The addiction to smoking actually is comprised of both the physical addiction that you develop to nicotine and the psychological addiction to the act of smoking. There are many smoking cessation aids available to help you kick the smoking habit. Most of them focus on the physical addiction to nicotine and do nothing to assist with the psychological cravings to smoke.

The physical addiction to nicotine passes typically within a week or so of quitting smoking after the nicotine passes out of your body. But mental cravings can go on for a long time sabotaging your ability to quit smoking. Most people are unsuccessful at kicking the habit because of these cravings.

But there is a method available to help you quit smoking that focuses on removing the psychological cravings to smoke greatly increasing your chances of permanently quitting smoking.

Click here to read more about the addiction of smoking and how it can be beat with NLP.

Quit Smoking the Easy Way - Smoking Does Not Stand a Chance Against NLP

Are you looking to quit smoking the easy way? Smoking, some may tell you, or you might have found out from your own experience, is anywhere from difficult to impossible to quit. But it does not have to be that way. There is a method available to you to quit smoking that can nearly guarantee your chances to kick the smoking habit for good.

There are a lot of options available to you if you need some help to stop smoking. Most of them you have already heard of or may have already tried; nicotine replacement therapies like the patch or nicotine pills, smoking cessation drugs like Zyban or Chantix, or even alternative therapies like hypnotherapy.

Any of these methods can increase your chances of quitting smoking. But medications can have unwanted expenses and side effects. None of these methods give you a better than 50% chance of quitting smoking.

There is, however, a method available that you may not have heard of but you definitely will want to become more familiar with if you want to finally quit smoking once and for all.

Click here to read more about the easy way smoking can be quit.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

How to Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight - 7 Tips to Avoid Weight Gain When You Quit Smoking

Are you wondering how to quit smoking without gaining weight? Smoking burns around two hundred calories each day. Once you stop smoking, you tend to put on weight in the initial stages. Many feel alarmed at the increase in weight. However, weight gain is not continuous, your body metabolism soon adjusts to this change, and you stop putting on weight.

Here are some simple tips to help you avoid weight gain when you quit smoking.

Click here to read more about how to quit smoking without gaining weight.

Ready to Stop Cigarette Smoking? - Quit Smoking Cigarettes With the Help of NLP

Is it time for you to stop cigarette smoking? Quit smoking with the help of something you may have never heard of but what just might be your best chance of quitting your smoking habit.

There are a lot of products and methods available to help you stop smoking. Just about all of them will give you a better chance of quitting then trying to quit "cold turkey", which only gives you about a 5% chance of stopping smoking.

If you have already tried different stop smoking aids or you have tried quitting cold turkey and have been unsuccessful, there is another method to quit smoking that you need to look into to that can put an end to your smoking habit once and for all.

It is called NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming. You may have never heard of it. It is one of the best kept secrets in the quit smoking arena. It is a form of therapy that has been around for decades and has proven to be extremely successful to help people quit smoking.

Why should you try NLP to quit cigarette smoking?

Click here to read more about cigarette smoking quit with NLP.

Ready to Stop Smoking? - How to Stop Smoking Using NLP

Are you ready to stop smoking? How to stop smoking is the first question many people have when they decide it is time to stop. There are several methods available to help you to quit smoking.

These methods range from nicotine replacement therapy like the patch or nicotine pills, to medications, to group counseling. All these methods can increase your chances of success over trying to quit cold turkey, which only has a 5% success rate. But none of them have a success rate of over 50%.

There is a method out there to help you quit smoking that you may not have heard of but you will definitely want to learn more about if you are serious about quitting smoking. It is called NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming. It is a therapeutic technique that has been around for decades and has proven to be extremely successful at helping people to quit smoking.

Why should you choose NLP as your method to quit smoking?

Click here to read more about smoking how to stop with NLP.

Eliminate Smoking Cravings - Stop Smoking Without Cravings

Is it possible to eliminate smoking cravings? Stop smoking without cravings? One of the biggest reasons that smokers fail at quitting the smoking habit is because of the strong cravings to smoke. But it is possible to stop smoking without cravings.

How do I know about this? Well, just like you, there was a time in my life that I was trying to quit smoking. It really was not that hard for me to stop smoking, my problem was "staying quit."

Click here to read more about smoking cravings stop smoking with NLP.

Hazards of Smoking - The Bitter Truth About Smoking

Smoking is extremely injurious to health. It has many long-term ill effects. The truth about smoking is that it is harmful to your life in many different ways. These hazards of smoking include:


Nicotine present in your cigarette is the main cause for cancer of lungs, stomach, mouth, and esophagus. It also affects your kidneys adversely.

Sexual Functions

Smoking affects body sexual organs in males and females. Men suffer from erectile dysfunction while women develop infertility. Pregnant women who smoke can suffer miscarriage or cause irreparable harm to fetus. Children born to smoking mothers have lower birth weights. These children have a high risk of asthma, respiratory problems, and chronic ear infections right from their birth.

Click here to read more about the Hazards of Smoking.

How to Stop Smoking - Natural Methods That Can Help You Stop Smoking

Once you decide to stop smoking, natural methods to overcome your urge to smoke are your best bet to help you quit smoking. Natural products do not have the side effects associated and costs associated with medications.

Stop smoking medications can help but they have numerous unfavorable side effects. They can also get costly. Since they only work while you are taking them the cost can really add up. Also, they are not safe for everyone based on their medical condition.

There are a lot of natural methods to help you quit smoking. Let's take a closer look at some of your options.

Click here to learn more about stop smoking natural methods.

Can Stop Smoking Prescription Drugs Help You to Quit the Smoking Habit Permanently?

There are numerous stop smoking prescription drugs and aids to help you overcome your smoking addiction. Some are available over-the-counter while some are prescription drugs. You require a doctor's prescription to purchase them. Follow professional advice before trying any smoking cessation drugs. If you are allergic to any food or medication, inform your physician before starting on stop smoking drugs.

Doctors analyze your health condition and suggest medications accordingly. Some medications continue to provide your body with nicotine, although in gradually reducing doses. Eventually you overcome your urge for nicotine and that is how you quit smoking.

The major downside of these medications is that you get back your urge to smoke after few months. The effect of these medications wane away and you are back smoking.

Click here to read more about stop smoking prescription drugs.

Why is Smoking Bad For Your Health? - The Many Reasons Why Smoking is Bad For You

Smoking is very bad for your health. Why is smoking bad? There actually are many reasons why smoking is bad for you. Smoking spells doom for your health and those of your loved ones. Smokers have a premature death and suffer many health problems. They carry most of their health problems into their old age.

A cigarette contains thousands of chemical compounds and many toxic substances. When you inhale a cigarette, it burns at around 60°C in the core and 700°C at the tip. The harmful products stemming from a cigarette include:

Click here to read more about Why is Smoking Bad for Your Health.

Quit Smoking Without Side Effects - Quitting Smoking Can Be Easy With This New Method

Is it possible to quit smoking without side effects? Quitting smoking is hard mostly because of the various side effects that you can experience when you newly stop smoking. But wouldn't is be great if you could kick the habit easily. Quitting smoking can be easy if you pick the right stop smoking method.

Some of the side effects you may feel when you quit smoking include restlessness, anxiety, short temper, weight gain, sleep disturbances, and headaches. When you try quitting smoking you may feel a few of these but some unfortunate souls experience all of them.

So how do I know about all this? Well, it was not too long ago that I was trying to kick the habit myself. I wanted to quit so bad but was working a stressful job and had a young family. I knew I needed to stop smoking but every time I tried the side effects kicked in and I would reach for a cigarette when the cravings got to be too much.

Click here to read more about side effects quitting smoking.

Smoking Cessation Drugs - Are They Harmful?

Smoking cessation drugs cause side effects; some are severe while some are little less severe. Doctors educate people on these effects even while prescribing them.

Smoking cessation drugs work by changing the chemical constituents of your brain albeit artificially. When you smoke, nicotine causes a change in brain chemicals and you feel elated, happy, and feel a sense of well being. These drugs create similar situation. You get the same feeling without smoking cigarettes.

However, your health deteriorates due to change in body chemicals. These translate into side effects. You suffer side effects during the prescribed pill therapy period of eight to twelve weeks. Even thereafter, you can suffer from similar side effects for a very long period.

Click here to read more about Smoking Cessation Drugs.

Quit Smoking Pills - Do Pills to Quit Smoking Really Work?

People are on the lookout for easy ways to overcome any problems be it a backache, a headache, a common cold, or even overcoming smoking. Most quit smoking pills are advertised as stress free and fast ways to be free of your bad habit. However, how effective are they and do they really accomplish their advertised results.

The fact remains that smoking cessation medications do not work the same for everybody. It depends on your addiction, your resolution to overcome the urge for smoking, your health conditions, and more.

Most pills have a success rate of only fifty percent or even less. Further, the pills do not work by themselves. All quit smoking pills require certain amount of counseling and behavioral modification therapies. You should change your behavioral tendencies to light a cigarette while on these medications.

Click here to see if Quit Smoking Pills really work.

Pill to Stop Smoking - Is it Good Or Bad For You?

Is there a pill to stop smoking? There are many drugs available, such as Zyban or Chantix, which are advertised as simple remedies to quit smoking. However, you have to try them and face the associated side effects to see whether these drugs can really kill your urge for nicotine.

Nicotine causes specific chemical reactions in your body. These drugs should cause similar reactions to get you the same upbeat feel when you smoke. They should restrict bad effects of nicotine. Only then, these pills can prove effective in overcoming your smoking habit.

Click here to read more about a Pill to Stop Smoking.

Stop Smoking Medications - The Prescription Drugs to Stop Smoking

Smoking addiction is difficult to overcome. There are few stop smoking medications available in the market designed to help you quit smoking. These include:

1. Zyban

This antidepressant is available in a pill form and should be started a week before you quit smoking. It curbs your craving for a cigarette by increasing levels of specific brain chemicals. This increase lowers nicotine cravings and reduces withdrawal symptoms.

Side Effects: Dry mouth, headache, insomnia, seizures, and agitated feelings

Click here to read more about Stop Smoking Medications.

Quit Smoking Without Cravings - Smoking Can Easily Be Conquered When the Cravings Are Removed

Are you looking for a way to quit smoking without cravings? Smoking can quickly and easily be removed from your life once the cravings to smoke have been removed. The main reason that smokers have difficulty quitting is because they submit to the cravings to smoke.

Quitting smoking requires getting over both the physical addiction you have acquired for nicotine and the psychological addiction you have for smoking. The physical addiction to nicotine is actually gone fairly quickly. It only takes about a month for nicotine to physically leave the body.

Click here to learn more about how to quit smoking without cravings.