Gain Freedom from Smoking

If you are serious about quitting smoking then you need to check out the Quit Smoking Today program. It is the most successful quit smoking method with a 97.2% success rate. It is your best chance to kick the smoking habit for good. >>Click Here to Quit Smoking Today!<<

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Harmful Smoking Effects - The 2 Most Harmful Effects Smoking Has on Your Body

If you are a smoker you are probably aware of the fact that there are many harmful smoking effects and dangers involved with smoking. Some are cosmetic, some are financial, but the most dangerous effects are the ones that will ruin your health and shorten your life.

For a smoker, education is the most powerful tool to learn exactly how smoking is destroying their bodies. Once you know the harmful effects smoking has on you the decision to quit becomes an easy one. After that it is a question of how, not when, you are going to quit smoking.

With that being said let's take a closer look at the most harmful effects of smoking. There are many but we will look at the ones that are the two most dangerous to your health.

Click here to read more about harmful smoking effects.

Smoking and Impotence - Smoking Can Hit You Below the Belt

If you are a man and a smoker I am about to tell you something that you probably do not want to hear. Smoking and impotence go together like a cigarette and a cup of coffee. It's true, cigarette smokers have a much higher rate of impotence then men who do not smoke.

You may be surprised to hear this but it is true, scientific study is starting to show the link between impotence and smoking. In a 2006 Australian study of 8,367 men, researchers reported that smoking increased the likelihood of impotence by 27 percent and concluded it was "significantly associated with erectile dysfunction." They also discovered that the more a man smoked, the more likely it was that he would suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Click here to read more about smoking and impotence.

Quit Smoking - Stop Waiting and Take Action!

Do you think it is hard or even impossible to quit smoking? Stop that thinking now. The only thing that is getting in the way of you quitting smoking is not trying. You can stop smoking; you just have to take action.

Every year thousands of smokers kick the habit. Do you think they are in some way stronger or better than you? No way. They did the single most important step in quitting smoking. They took action! They tried, and if they failed they tried again. Here are some tips to help you take action to kick the habit.

Click here to learn how to quit smoking stop waiting and take action.

How to Quit Smoking - Tips to Help You Quit Smoking

So you are looking for how to quit smoking tips? That must mean that you are ready to stop smoking. That is terrific. Making the decision to break the smoking habit is one of the most important decisions you will make in your lifetime.

If you are feeling motivated to kick the habit then now is the time to go for it. Do not wait for some magical date in the future to break the habit. The magic is in this moment. Ride the wave of motivation that you have to freedom from smoking.

Click here for some great how to quit smoking tips.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Quitting Smoking and Weight Gain - You Can Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight

If you are thinking about quitting smoking and weight gain is a concern of yours you are not alone. One of the main reasons smokers have for not trying to break the habit is their fear of gaining weight. However, it is possible to quit smoking without putting on extra pounds.

Click here to read more about Quitting Smoking and Weight Gain.

How Can I Stop Smoking? - NLP May Be the Answer For You

If you are asking the question "How can I stop smoking?" then chances are you are ready to quit smoking. Good for you! If you are a smoker then making the decision to stop smoking is one of the smartest decisions you will make in your life. You will immediately feel better and your health will quickly begin to improve.

Ok, so how do you stop smoking? There are several programs available to help you. A lot of the more traditional ones you have probably heard of; the patch, nicotine gum or pills, and quitting cold turkey are a few of them. These methods work for some but can be expensive in the case of the patch or nicotine supplements, or have little to no chance of working in the case of quitting cold turkey.

Another option that has helped thousands of smokers to break the habit is NLP. You may not have heard of NLP yet so here are some questions and answers about NLP and how it can help you to quit smoking.

Click here to find the answer to How Can I Stop Smoking.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why is Smoking Bad For You? - 3 Main Reasons

We all know we shouldn't smoke, but why is smoking bad for you? Instead of just taking it at face value let's break down the specific reasons why smoking is bad for you and, if you are a smoker, why you should stop smoking as soon as possible.

Click here yo read more about why is smoking bad for you.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Top 10 Diseases You Can get From Smoking

I decided to have a little fun and take a spin on the David Letterman Top 10 bit. Truth of the matter is that there are so many different ways that smoking can ruin your body and there are numerous diseases that smoking drastically increases your chances of getting.

Click here to see the Top 10 list of what diseases can you get from smoking.

Stop Smoking Methods - What Are the Best New Methods to Stop Smoking?

I have been smoke free for several years now but when I was still a smoker, trying desperately to quit I did a lot of research on different stop smoking methods. In the end I found a method that worked for me but the truth is that what works for one person does not work for everyone.

Some people respond to more traditional methods. Other people respond to less conventional methods. I myself managed to quit smoking after trying quite a few different methods. I tried several of the more traditional methods to stop smoking and I have to admit I struggled to quit and was frustrated to the point that I almost resigned to the fact that I would be a smoker forever. In the end I found success with something a little less traditional.

Click here to read more about some new Stop Smoking Methods.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Keep Up with Me at EzineArticles

Hi Everyone,

I write a lot of articles on the subject of quitting smoking. I have just started submitting articles at Ezine Articles.

If you want to check out the articles I have written click the link below:

Trevor Green's articles at

What Diseases Can You Get From Smoking

It is well known that smoking is dangerous for your body and overall health. But what diseases can you get from smoking? Smoking adversely affects the entire body, but it is most damaging to the respiratory system and especially the lungs.

The damage smoking causes starts with the first puff you take and worsens and worsens as you continue smoking until the damage becomes permanent. Once you have reached that level then you may be faced with the deadliest disease that smoking can cause: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD.

Click here to learn more about what diseases can you get from smoking.

How Can Smoking Destroy Your Lungs

It is well known that smoking is dangerous in many different ways. Smoking over a period of time leads to many different health problems. Smoking is particularly damaging to the heart and lungs. Smoking can lead to a number of lung diseases or disorders including COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder), lung cancer, Emphysema, and shortness of breath.

Click here to learn exactly how can smoking destroy your lungs.

An Introduction to Freedom From Smoking

Hi Everyone,

My name is Trevor Green. I once was a smoker but I have been smoke free for several years now. Just like a lot of people who have tried to quit smoking I struggled to quit. In fact I probably tried to quit smoking at least twenty times until it finally happened.

Being smoke free is one of the greatest gifts I have been given. Now, I am trying to pass this gift on to other smokers who are trying to gain freedom from smoking. That is the point of this blog.

I believe that education is the single most important factor to quitting smoking along with motivation and perseverance. So I will be posting great educational materials to this blog as well as my own content.

I believe that all smokers have the power within to quit smoking. For those who are struggling to quit smoking or are trying to quit for the first time, hopefully I can help in some small way.